With the New Year fast approaching you might be looking for a devotional for yourself, your children or your family. In this post we have gathered many suggestions for you1. Some of the descriptions are written by ourselves, others are taken from other websites2. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out to pastorvdh@gmail.com.
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Devotionals for Adults

Drawing Near to the Heart of God by Mark and Donna Kelderman
This devotional, co-authored by the Keldermans, contains a year worth of warm daily experiential readings. Food for your soul!

Seasons of the Heart: A Year of Devotions from One Generation of Women to Another by Donna Kelderman
This devotional contains some wonderful daily entrees from women writers of the past. They are written in a warm Gospel-oriented way; a recommendation for you, ladies.

The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Nancy writes in a winsome way from one heart of a woman to another. You will be blessed by the insights and wisdom she will present from the Scriptures.

Brave and Bold: 31 Devotions to Strengthen Men by Marty Machowski
This month-worth of devotions will help especially young men to understand their God-given and Gospel-fuelled task before God.

Holiness Day by Day by Jerry Bridges
Jerry Bridges writes very simply and very encouraging from a very clear Gospel perspective. A joy to read and a real help for your spiritual life!

Walking with God by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Walking with God are devotional selections from Martyn Lloyd Jones’ books. Every day it ends with a helpful thought to ponder for the rest of the day.

The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions
This is a collection of prayers gathered from the Puritans, well-written, experiential and succint. This book will likely teach you to pray for things you have never prayed for before.

Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans (Journal) Edited by Robert Elmer
This is another prayer book based on prayers and writings from the Puritans. In contrast to The Valley of Vision this prayer book uses modern pronouns for God.

Morning & Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon
Spurgeon, the prince of preachers, knows how to draw spiritually rich food out of the most obscure places. His meditations are always warm-hearted and helpful for your spiritual journey. The nice thing about this book is that it has a piece for both morning and evening.

365 days with Spurgeon (various volumes)
Gathered from Spurgeon’s prolific writings here is a devotional that helps you to focus on God and the Gospel.

Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms: Daily Meditations for Individuals & Families, edited by Peter H. Holtvlűwer
Are you hoping to camp out in the Psalms for a year? This devotional does just that, and the beautiful thing is that it deals with the Psalms in their context.

In the Lord I Take Refuge by Dane C. Ortland
This is another devotional on the Psalms, every day there is just one topic or idea that is highlighted from the Psalm on which the author helpfully meditates.

Daily Readings From All Four Gospels: For Morning and Evening by J.C. Ryle
If you have ever read any the expositions of J.C. Ryle from the Gospels and you appreciated him, you will like this one as well. Ryle has a very simple writing style and brings out a helpful application to your life each time.

Knowing God Devotional Journal by J.I. Packer
J.I. Packer writes in a simple and yet profound way about who God is. This Devotional Journal based on his classic ‘Knowing God’ will help you to know God better. Note this is a journal so writing and reflecting is expected.

Prayers of the Bible by Gordon J. Keddie
In this devotional Keddie combs through the Scriptures and find many -if not all- prayers in the Bible. And each one of them he helpfully opens up in an expository way.
Devotionals for Kids/Teens

Sowing the Seed / Taken Root / Bearing Fruit by Diana R. Kleyn
These are short devotional stories that start out with a Bible verse, designed to teach important spiritual truths to our children. Would be a good read-aloud to young kids or could be read by older children.

What Jesus Did / What Jesus Does / How Jesus Loves / How Jesus Cares by Sinclair B. Ferguson
Each of these books contains a month-worth of devotionals that focus specifically on the Lord Jesus. It starts with a little prayer, a short reading from the Gospels and with another prayer. Age group: 7-10

Because He Lives: A Daily Devotional for Children by FRC Publications
Very short daily devotionals for kids ages 6-8. Below an example devotional.
January 1 – In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. – Genesis 1:1 – Read Genesis 1:1-13 – It is the first day of a new year, and this is also the first page of your daily reading book. These two things go together. We have also opened the Bible to the first chapter of Genesis. Here we read about the beginning of all things. God made the heavens and the earth. Before this, there was nothing. Only God existed. To create means to make something out of nothing. Only God is able to do this. He also cares for everything that He made. It is very important to know these things at the beginning of a new year. Question: What do the words Happy New Year mean to you?

Their Lives & Your Life: Children’s Devotional on Bible Characters by FRC Publications
This daily devotional for children focuses on the lives of people found in the Bible. Over the course of a year, your children will survey Bible history in a way that is more than just gathering facts. Their souls will be challenged to see how God works in the lives of His people. Recommended Ages: 9-12

A Message For You: A Daily Devotional for Teens by FRC Publications
Suggested Age: 12-15 years
Thank-you for providing this thought provoking devotional written to help teenagers deal with the challenging issues and questions they are faced with in the world today. It is solidly reformed, discriminating, and convicting. the questions at the end of each devotion stimulates one to think through and apply scripture to practical daily life situations.
– Jack Westerink, Principal of Rehoboth Christian School, Copetown, ON

The Time of Your Life: A Daily Devotional for Teens by FRC Publications
With suggested daily readings from Scripture, short written commentaries and a thought-provoking question for each day, the aim of this devotional is to address young people who are at a critical time in their life. The authors of these daily meditations want to show how the Scriptures challenge and direct us to be truly converted and consecrated to the Lord, starting in youth, all of our life, and more and more.
Suggested age: 16-17 years

Walk in the Light: A Daily Devotional for Teens by FRC Publications
This year-long devotional takes readers through various passages in Scripture. Each day’s devotion includes an assigned Scripture reading, a key text, a meditation, a question for reflection and a Psalter selection that may be sung. Age: 18+

God’s Alphabet for Life: Devotions for young children by Dr. Joel R. Beeke and Heidi Boorsma
Using the alphabet as a guide, this book provides 26 devotional meditations for young children (ages 4-9), based on Bible texts that children can easily memorize.

Little Pillows & Morning Bells / Morning Stars by Francis Ridley Havergal
Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) presents 31 evening and morning devotions for children (Little Pillows and Morning Bells). Morning Stars are short devotionals based on the names of Jesus Christ. Children are encouraged to put their full trust in Christ alone. Age: 7-10

Trust God and Don’t Be Afraid: 40 Bible Readings about Faith by Jean Stapleton
This book contains 40 Bible stories about people who were scared, it has questions at the end of each devotional. It is written to encourage young children to trust that God is near. Ages: 6-10

God’s Mighty Acts in Creation/Salvation by Star Meade
As Starr Meade, author of Mighty Acts of God, guides young readers through the six days of creation, she points to how creation displays the wisdom and power of God.
In God’s Mighty Acts of Salvation Meade guides young readers to a full picture of God’s saving work, as well as a real understanding of other doctrinal concepts such as justification by faith alone, the priority of Scripture, the requirements for apostleship, and the relationship between the old and new covenants. This book walks your child through the book of Galatians in a simple and memorable way.
Ages: 7-10

Bridge to Genesis (1-5) / Esther / Mark by Pastor A.T. Vergunst
“In Bridge to Genesis/Esther/Mark, God’s message is connected to you. By very simply explaining what it says, I have tried to get His Word as close to you as possible. The book contains short pieces to reflect on.”
Pastor A.T. Vergunst
Ages: 12 and up

God’s Great Story: A Daily Devotional For Teens by Jon Nielson
God’s Great Story by Jon Nielson unpacks Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, helping young adults grasp God’s full narrative and form helpful reading habits to keep a strong relationship with the Lord. Designed to be read in a year, each of the 365 daily devotionals includes a summary, a practical application, and a guide for personal prayer and meditation. Readings build off of each other to help readers grasp God’s grand story of redemption and the full saving work of the Son.
Kids Bible Reading Plan

Exploring the Bible:A Daily Bible Reading Plan for kids by Dr. David Murray
Reading the Bible is like taking a trip through God’s story, setting out to explore and experience the beautiful views found within. But without a map, it’s easy to get lost.
Exploring the Bible leads kids ages 6–12 through the Bible one day at a time over the course of a year, helping them see the overarching story of God’s Word and laying the foundation for a lifetime of discovering truths about God, humanity, and the gospel.
Each weekly entry includes:
- Daily Bible readings
- Prayer points
- Memory verse
- Discussion questions
- Space for sermon notes and reflections
This is a great help to get your children used to daily devotionals.

Exploring the Bible Together: A 52 Week Family Worship Plan by Dr. David Murray
‘Exploring the Bible Together’ is a guide to family worship including sermon discussion questions for the Lord’s Day. It can be done together or separate from the ‘Exploring the Bible’, both focus on the same topics in the Bible and will help your children to have a good grasp of the overarching story of the Bible.

Meeting Jesus: A Daily Bible Reading Plan for kids by Dr. David Murray
This Bible reading plan for children ages 6–12 guides them through the life of Christ over the course of a year, teaching kids what Scripture says about Jesus. In less than five minutes a day, children will get to know the life and teachings of Jesus and his offer of abundant life to all who believe in him. This is a great help to get your children used to daily devotionals.
Read Alouds for Parents/Read-Alone for Older Kids

The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New by Marty Machowski
The Ology gives kids of all ages a beginner’s theology book to help them understand who God is and how we can relate to Him. Arranged within a traditional systematic theological framework, each truth in The Ology is also connected to the larger redemptive story of Scripture. Written for six-year-olds to preteens.

WonderFull Ancient Psalms Ever New by Marty Machowski
Your children may know of the psalms, but with WonderFull by Marty Machowski, young readers learn to use the whole book of the Psalms to pray, worship, and find help through the challenges life is certain to bring. Written for six-year-olds to preteens.

The Treasure Ancient Story Ever New of Jesus and His Church by Marty Machowski
The Treasure follows the adventures of Mira and Theos who discover a sea captain’s personal journal which offers clues to a hidden treasure. They can only solve the riddle of the treasure by studying two ancient scrolls, the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Young readers will journey with the siblings as they solve their puzzle and discover the captain’s treasure—Christ!

Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland
Written in clear language, this classic Bible storybook gives you short devotions you can share with children. Each lesson includes a story, a Scripture verse to memorize, a prayer, and a song. It’s a wonderful way for children to learn about who God is, why Jesus came to Earth, and how we should act today.
Recommended for ages 4 to 10.
Guides for Family Worship

On Your Heart: A Three Year Devotional for Families by AJ Genco
This is a family devotional based on a three-year cycle through the Bible. There are questions for every day of the week with very helpful questions to engage your children in a discussion about the Bible reading. Often it also suggests you to look up other related Bible verses. This resource will benefit even busy families that might not always have a long time to spend on family worship.

Comforting Hearts Teaching Minds Family Devotions based on the Heidelberg Catechism by Starr Meade
This is a 61-week study of the Heidelberg Catechism. For Monday to Saturday there is a suggested reading and a little devotional that can be read out loud to your family.

Training Hearts Teaching Minds Family Devotions based on the Shorter Catechism by Starr Meade
This is a book with devotional readings about the Westminster Shorting Catechism. It has a little explanation about the Catechism question that is dealt with that week for Monday to Saturday. In every devotional there are a few Bible verses suggested for Bible reading.

Long Story Short (OT) / Old Story New (NT) by Marty Machowski
This is a helpful book for family worship there are little introductory stories for every week, it has daily readings, talking points and a prayer point. The Long Story short focusses on the Old Testament while the Old Story New focusses on the New Testament and both are designed to be worked through in 78 weeks. When we used this, we chose to skip a few things that were written.

Wilderness Family Worship in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy by Joel R. Beeke and Nick Thomson
This first book in the series ‘Teach Your Children the Scriptures’ (Still under development), contains 88 lessons on the first five books of Moses. Every lesson consists of two pages with the following rubrics: Review (last lesson), Read (Scripture reading and questions, Reflect (Go deeper into the passage), Request (Prayer points). A very helpful and promising series!

Wise Up: 10 Minute Family Devotions in Proverbs by Marty Machowski
Wise Up, the newest family devotional from children’s author and family pastor, Marty Machowski, will help make learning the truths of Proverbs fun and memorable for first- to sixth-grade kids as it points them to the true wisdom that is only found in Christ.

Journey Through the Bible by Scott T. Brown
‘Journey Through the Bible’ takes you and your family through the Scriptures aided by helpful Bible book intros and outlines and questions so that your family will grow in understanding the Scriptures. This book is probably best for pre-teens and teenagers and older.

Family Worship Bible Guide Edited by Joel R. Beeke
The Family Worship Bible Guide is a little book that can used alongside your daily Bible reading. It has 2-3 devotional thoughts and questions that reflect on major themes in that chapter. This is probably also better for older children.
Family Worship Instructions Online
Family Worship Companion is an ongoing project to go consecutively through every chapter of the Bible with a practical and Christ centered emphasis by Pastor Armen Thomassian. It has video lessons to watch before or after the Bible reading. It also gives some commentary on the chapter and finishes with several Christ-centered applications. So far, the project has come close to the end of Genesis. This is a helpful resource for family worship or homeschooling.
- We don’t believe this is an exhaustive list. Nor have we read each word of each of these books. We have chosen these books based upon past experience with these authors and believe they promote sound Bible Truths. Not all of these books do use the KJV, but can very well be used with the KJV as your primary translation. ↩︎
- https://heritagebooks.org/ and https://reformedbookservices.com/ ↩︎