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Our Worship Services

Our worship services** are sober and structured. Our entire liturgy revolves around the main event of our worship service: the proclamation of the Word of God. The liturgy of our services, therefore, is as follows:

Silent prayer
Pronouncement of God’s greeting to the congregation (Rev. 1:4-5)
Reading of God’s Holy Law (Exodus 20:1-20; or Deuteronomy 5:1-24)
Singing* (response to the reading of God’s law)
Reading of Scripture (in anticipation of the preaching of God’s Word)
Congregational prayer
Giving of tithes
Preaching of God’s Word
Concluding prayer

Pronouncement of God’s benediction upon the congregation (2 Cor. 13:14; Numb. 6:24-26)

*  We use the Psalter Hymnal of 1912 to sing the Psalms.

** During our worship services, we offer a nursery for infants and young toddlers. 

Congregational Fellowship

Following the morning service, we gather for a time of fellowship and refreshments.  

Instructional Classes

Following our congregational fellowship, instructional classes are provided for all age levels. With the exception of the kindergarten age class, the focus of all instruction is doctrinal—including the Adult Bible Class.